Our care is delivered by
British trained Consultants and is conducted to the highest international standards

Dr Asmaa Al-Chidadi
Medical Director
Consultant Nephrologist, Internist and Acute Physician
MD, MRCP, MRCP Neph, CCT(Postgraduate London Deanery), MSc Epideniology.
I am currently a consultant nephrologist for a VIP client in Saudi Arabia with end stage kidney failure, providing him with home haemodialysis and internal medical services, and coordinating his care with other specialties given his other comorbid conditions.
I am a British consultant Nephrologist, who, upon completion of my training program in London Postgraduate Deanery, is accredited in Renal Medicine as well as Acute Internal Medicine by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board. Having worked in Internationally renowned London Teaching Hospitals, I deliver the best care for my patients in Dialysis, Nephrology and Kidney transplantation according to the best available clinical evidence. I am confident in treating high risk patients providing best standards of haemodialysis methods including haemodialfiltration at home.

Dr Mark Szolkowski
Director of Emergency Medical Services
Dr Mark Szolkowski – Director of Emergency Medical Services
I have 20 years experience in Emergency Medicine (UK), General Practice (Australia) and Medical Consultancy both in the UK and overseas. I have held Medical Superintendant positions in the outback and I have provided consulting services to the oil and gas industry in Europe with clients such as ENI, British Gas and Lukoil.
I am currently consulting as a Medical Advisor in Saudi Arabia, co-ordinating ICU and Emergency services for a VIP client who wishes to receive medical care within the home environment. I have previously worked in Kazahkstan and Cambodia as the Chief Medical Officer for International SOS, combining both managerial and clinical responsibilities.
In the UK, I work as an Associate Specialist in Emergency Medicine and I currently hold a senior managerial position as the District Clinical Lead for St Johns Ambulance service. I am responsible for the training, recruitment and governance of all Doctors, Nurses and Paramedic staff for the Humberside and East Riding Northern region.
In my spare time, I am a member of BASICS (British Association of Intermediate Care). I work for Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Services as a Medical First Responder (MFR). I provide medical interventions at the roadside by attending pre-hospital medical and surgical emergencies. In addition, I respond to community cardiac arrests thereby providing local medical support for East Midlands Ambulance Service.